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March 19, 2009


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Not to disparage Fred in any way, b/c he does have his charms, but that Hank is one handsome boy (or maybe he's just super photogenic)!

Memphis = barbecue.

I like Corky's -- http://www.corkysbbq.com/

But I also have to recommend the famous Rendezvous -- http://www.hogsfly.com/ -- where I once saw a patron shaped exactly like a refrigerator. Seriously, he had to have been at least 500 lbs. You gotta know that someone who barely fits through the door is going out to eat somewhere goo-ooo-oood.

What is it about beagles and spewing? First beagle I had did it within a day of living with us. A friend (and fellow-beagle lover) said, "Welcome to the wonderful world of beagle barfing!" I think they just eat everything they can get their paws on, and barfing is protection.

But you have it right: Beagles ARE regal.

Thanks for the wonderful photos and blogging on New Orleans. I've traveled a lot, but have never been there (though my husband has been there once--a few years pre-Katrina). You really make me want to go now that you've given me a taste...

Not sure where you're going past Eastern Oklahoma, but if you find yourself in Lawrence, Kan., check out Free State Brewery. There's also a nice community museum downtown that explains the border war with Missouri and the raids of William Quantrill, and some nice museums on campus. Oh, and the Bob Dole library. And William S. Burroughs's house.

I scrolled through the photos before finishing the text. I saw you and Fred and thought, "Wow, that half pound really made a difference!" Then I read the photo is from 2003. LOL!

Joan, thanks for the amazing photos. The couple yesterday, the father/son fishing, the wagon. Just awesome. (Jim, you sort of redeemed the Mammy photo with your shot of Hank.)

If you find yourself in Broken Bow, Oklahoma (in the Southeast corner of the state), say hi to Jack's family (it's a small enough town - just ask for Mayor Jerry Don Smith - he's my brother-in-law) - there is a great taxidermy museum there.

Jim and Joan, Thank you so much for these wonderful "reports". The photographs are absolutely terrific. Enjoy the ride!

"a great taxidermy museum"

One shudders to consider the prospect of a bad taxidermy museum. The horror... the horror...

I love the shot of the bicyclist under I-10.

I just saw someone reading a Beagle book on the train today. I swear, after reading this blog, Beagles are EVERYWHERE.

Well, here's the book I saw today, about a Beagle in Oklahoma: http://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/details.php?TitleID=243

Great to see your travel log that invokes Arlo Guthrie's version of Steve Goodman's "City of New Orleans." Goodman often doesn't get his due. You might be interested in my 800-page biography, "Steve Goodman: Facing the Music." The book delves deeply into the genesis and effects of "City of New Orleans," and Arlo Guthrie is a key source among my 1,050 interviewees and even contributed the foreword.

You can find out more at my Internet site (below). Amazingly, the book's first printing sold out in just eight months, all 5,000 copies, and a second printing of 5,000 is available now. The second printing includes hundreds of little updates and additions, including 30 more photos for a total of 575. It won a 2008 IPPY (Independent Publishers Association) silver medal for biography.

To order a second-printing copy, see the "online store" page of my site. Just trying to spread word about the book. Feel free to do the same!

Clay Eals
1728 California Ave. S.W. #301
Seattle, WA 98116-1958

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[email protected]


We love the Rendezvous, and tried to get takeout from there tonight, but couldn't get through... So we "settled" for Interstate BBQ, which was terrific... Thanks for the recommendation.


Great post!
New Orleans music store - NOLA Tunes

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