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March 12, 2009


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As my sisters delightedly found out when we visited Savannah as kids, Girl Scouts can score a merit badge simply by visiting the house where the Girl Scouts were founded. Easiest merit badge on the list. A total gut.

When I recommended Huey's I should have warned you about the Quality Inn. We were sucked in by their address too. Location, location, location.

Mazel Tov on your decision to travel through Macon on your way to Atlanta. I feel honored that you and Joan will be gracing my home town. I could only wish to be there to escort you around.

Separately, in the South, people "dress up" to dine, even if they say "come as you are." It's just how it is ...

Perhaps Fred & Hank won't be dominated by our dachshunds ... that would be pitiful! Can't wait to see you - The Williams

How much did you lose today? Amy

Ok. I love those Vibram shoes. I have seen them before and actually really want a pair. I prefer "barefoot" and that's about as close as you'll come to the real thing. (Note: My actual feet are the same color as the rest of my skin and not blue, plum, or taupe as the shoes come in... so maybe it's not exactly the same)

That Mercer Williams house is so named because favorite Savannah native son Johnny Mercer's great-grandfather built it. (On the music tip, perhaps there's room on your iPod for "Moon River" (lyrics) or other Mercer delights?) Williams was just the last guy who lived in it - and restored it. Haughty, or appropriate homage?

Lest you think this is one-way traffic about Savannah, we'll be adding Mrs Wilkes to the itinerary when we pass through in May.

Belated comment: Joan should be getting credit on every picture she takes!

The reason the Vibram Five Fingers are called that is because apparently, the Italians (Vibram is from Italy) have the same word for fingers and toes. I've also tried them on and while they take some getting used to, they become comfy and are actually better for your feet than regular shoes.

On another note - what do you do with H & F when you guys go somewhere for lunch or want to go into some shop during your strolls?

Belated comment: Joan should get credit for every picture posted!

Read this in the NYT last week - sounds like you could get a great meal or two in this little burg outside of Atlanta:


I wasn't able to post yesterday about your headline dilemma, but it's very simple: never use the word "diadem" in a headline. Never. Everything else is cool.

I went to grad school in Savannah ... pre-Gump. The "Gump bench" did not exist then either--it was used just for the movie!

Love Savannah, visit as often as I can, trying to get the hubby to move there...

Girl Scouts birthday is March 12th. They should have had a week-long celebration by throwing free Samoas out to tourists! Now that would've made for some great photography, Joan.

Thank you for the daily entertainment. Great to see both of you having such a great time!

Off today's topic, and a couple days too late for Jim's experience - video of a world champ oyster shucker:


Jim - how many d'ya think you could shuck in 30 seconds? This guy shucks a bunch.

WARNING: Kathy Lee is in this clip. Sorry. Hope that doesn't ruin your trip.

Fran (or should I say Mom) :-) I mentioned earlier that, if there was not credit, the photos were Joan's. Mine will be rare, so figured I'd just mark mine when I did take one...

See, everyone, I told you my mom likes Joan better.

Please explain Jim's Nutritional Rating. Higher rating means healthier?

Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams?? Who else finds that a very odd union?

BTW, "Let It Ride" by Ryan Adams is a great driving tune, as is Amy Mann "Driving Sideways"....

Mrs. Wilkes is a very fine choice.

I'm jealous.

Jim, I saw that 'no-credit credit' comment and I stand by my thought that Joan's name should be on each of her photos.

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