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March 13, 2009


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Does Macon still smell funny? I remember that the paper mills or something made it one of the America's most, uh, funky towns.

We tried that yummy chicken breast recipe last night. It was fabulous. Thanks for passing the recipe along.

Go to the Varsity!

Go Terps!

Interesting that American becomes an athletic power-house(apologies to the memebers of the always successful Field Hockey Team)after you and I have left.

Go Eagles!!!

Jim and Joan,
I am truly enjoying the FHMA trip, as I live vicariously through your fabulous writing and photos!
I have a question about Jim's profile: are you telling me that Jim really doesn't look exactly like Brad Pitt?? Joan has been telling me that for years!



Jim, Despite the french fries, are we seeing, through that cool arty photo, more weight loss? Updates, please.

They're on the West Coast, in Colorado, taking on Whataburger, in Texas ... Five Guys is taking over.

Also: The Otis Redding version ain't half bad.

Great posts; we are enjoying the blog!
The picture of beagles on the bed looks very familiar. Even if we get a room with two beds, they want to be on OUR bed.

Don't know if you catch Letterman on your travels (if ever), but you'll want to see this from Tuesday night:


(if the link doesn't work, you can check on the Letterman CBS site)

How ironic, the pock marks on the side of Fort Pulaski reminded me of the pock marks on Brad Pitt when he's not wearing 8 pounds of pancake makeup. But then, I don't of a single female who would notice after the abs picture Jim posted on his profile. Good lord.

For Paul -- as one who grew up in Macon, yes, there is the occasional sulfuric smell from a paper mill.

Ori is a trivia show-off, isn't he? Sheeesssh...

Don't jinx my Deacs, Jim! You'll never hear the end of it if the Terps wins tonight.

Your headline is Macon me laugh!

You wrote "y'all" (Meal Report) - nice! Are F&H barking with an accent, too? Or, should I say, "ax-saynt"? Anybody called 'em "bagels" yet?

Re: Oyster-shucking: One of the great little-known events in the DC area is the Oyster Festival in St. Mary's County, Md., each fall. Basically, it's a rustic county fair with oysters as a theme. The highlight is the annual oyster-shucking contest, which brings shuckers from around the world. A sportswriter friend once observed that it's the only sport she'd ever seen where the winner was allowed to eat the game ball.

Go to the Varsity and have the fried onion rings... it will definitely be a 1 on the nutrition ratings (and about an 11 on a grease rating) but they are an experience to be had

Stellar photo of Jim inside the Pulaski National Monument!

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