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March 02, 2009


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Hi, it's Heather. Lilly used to shake in the car and get carsick, too. The vet said it was OK to give her one Dramamine (50mg)about 1/2 hour before we start a car trip and it works beautifully. Call your vet and ask about it. Lilly weighs about 35 pounds, so Hank might need a smaller dose. We keep a roll of the pills in the car. The chewables were not a success, BTW. Sending you all love and good thoughts!

Love Hank. Love the pics even more. Great work, Joan!

wow, these are great pictures... I mean what amazing photos.., oo and the story is nice. : )

HI! Love the pics of Hank!(aka Jonah!!) :) I hope he has a wonderful trip with his parents and Fred!! He truly stumbled into a beautiful life with all of you!


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