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March 06, 2009


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I just threw up a little looking at that screen shot of Interchange and the first-ever Washingtonpost.com homepage. Wow.

Jim, you're a great writer. And also a very thoughtful person to include that really hot picture of Brad Pitt, I mean you.

You're killing me and you haven't even left, yet! :D

Whaddya mean you "just threw up a little looking at that screen shot of Interchange and the first-ever Washingtonpost.com homepage."

I wrote everyone of those hedes in that balky, suck-ass Interchange system and notice the hedes adhere perfectly to Post style, bubba.

Now, somebody hire me.

ps--I'm shocked to look back at that page and not see a Socks the Cat feature, which the poobahs liked very much.

My first reax to Jim's picture of "his" six-pack abs was the only six-pack I've known him to have was the one sitting on his abs during a Jets game. There's also a plate of ribs and wings close by, too.

Frankly, I don't see the problem.

call me crazy , but the resemblance to Brad Pitt in the second photo is amazing....

Jim, this is great! Looking forward to reading about your adventures on the road.

Revert to core! Revert to core!!!


When you were five years old, what store specialized in the Bear Bryant sport jacket sales? And you published your wife's weight?!? You wacky dude ...

I think you have another career brewing....

Maybe you lost the six-pack from 10 years back, but you're still rockin' that smoldering look, Jim.

this is too funny.

Jim was a precocious child -- when he was just five years old he already was wearing adult XL ballcaps (Jets, natch).

This is fast become the highlight of my day. I am so looking forward to the trip!

I agree with Goli. It's wonderful entertainment. But now I'm curious: Do the dogs have weight loss goals as well?

Not sure about the dogs' weight-loss goals, though Fred could use to lose a few.

I actually lost about 40 pounds the past 6 months. i'm happy to report that I actually weight less than you. This is certainyl the first tiem this has ever occurred. Remember Jim: The drive-thru is your friend.

And I was going to recommend "Fat Boy's Pork Palace" in Brandywine, W.Va., as a good first-day lunch stop. Never mind.

Fred does have weight loss goals too - he needs to get down to 31.. and given the amount of poop I have just picked up -- he may have lost it this am! I had almost forgotten the joys of traveling and ahem... clean-up.

So, 2003 was the first and last time? I remember having a an Ole D Brew w/ you before you departed.

BTW: Wow Jim, Peter Brady had nothing on you! I am sorry for stuffing you into your locker and/or any kid equally as geeky. I have about 1000 more 1-liners, but my brain started to aneurysm!!!!

Awesome picture of when you were 5.. it has that wannabe-chodachrome matte feel of all institution photography circa the bicentennial. Do you still have caot and glasses? I am sure they'd fetch a bundle on eBay.

Ok, just read your profile and between trying to hack up a lung and sneezing, I was literally laughing out loud at this.

Ahhh... now I know why you seem so familiar... we seem to always work at the same places. Thanks for taking me along for the ride, you two. Can't wait to read your repors from the road. Safe trip.


Too funny! I can appreciate way too much of this. Hmmm. I wonder if I can lose 15 pounds just reading about your trip? ;-)

I'm impressed that you posted that pic of yourself as a child. Impressed and sad for you.

My wife and I have a virtually identical driving relationship to you and Joan. Only I am Joan and she is you, but better looking.
Your friend Jodi turned me on to your site and blog. Look forward to the adventures.

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