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April 28, 2009


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As if her hotel room negotiating skills weren't impressive enough, now Joan gets through toll booths at half-price using only words? (That is, presumably, there was no tearful appeal or flashing of skin.)

Joan, I am not worthy.

"...falafel and some baklava, which she thought was fine but nothing to write home about."

But you just did.

Sometimes I call them Hed and Frank. Not because I'm trying to, just because my mouth is faster than my mind. So really, Frank and Hank doesn't sound so bad in comparison.

Every time Joan talks her way into a deal, all I can think is, "The force is powerful with this one."

Yes, we know about being dragged by beagles. One of these days, you will see one or both of our dogs running down the sidewalk with an arm dragging behind it because they have finally managed to disconnect our arm from our shoulder socket.

Joan, I wish to be your apprentice in the art of negotiation. You are a master!

BTW, I can actually see those poor, three allergic kids in my mind's eye. I bet they were sad and pitiful looking ....

5 out of 5 stars for the tollbooth scene. Fascinating.

Fred looks like he sat in that chair watching the whole time as you brought the bags in. Hank looks like he was trying to explore the new lodgings, and you picked him up and plopped him in the photo. He looks a bit put out. I can see it all happening clearly because that is exactly what would happen if we took our two beagles on such a trip.

Which brings up my question: aren't Fred and Hank due to roll in something stinky? Even spending a lot of time on leash as beagles do, ours always manage to sneak a roll when the "opportunity" arises. Like this morning. In the backyard. P.U. I don't know what it was or where they found it, but it they got baths immediately.

Fred and Hank should write a book about their exploits when you get home. You certainly have the photos and lots of text already prepared! (Thanks I'll take my 10% off the top for that idea - bank check will suffice - no personal checks, please. ;) )

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