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May 14, 2009


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Hey Jim,

If you're crossing Ohio via the Turnpike, a couple of suggestions. First, you'll pass right by the Rutherford B. Hayes home and museum, which, while not great, is worth swinging by. (http://www.rbhayes.org/hayes/visitors/) It's also in a cute little town.

Second, farther east on the Turnpike is the exit for Streetsboro and Kent. Streetsboro is a hole (kind of like an Ohio version of Breezewood), but if you go through it and hang a right on Rt. 43, you'll head toward Kent, home of the May 4, 1970 National Guard shootings.

Now, along 43, before you reach Kent, is a little town called Twin Lakes and right off the state route, overlooking one of the lakes is a nice little eatery called Twin Lakes Tavern. Good place to stop for lunch.

Then, if you head into town, you can check out the cute little town on the Cuyahoga and visit the location of the shootings. Added bonus: awesome place for beagles to run and play.

Second added bonus: Near guaranteed opportunities for Joan to return to the FHMA roots of photos of kids fishing.

The Verve actually reunited and put out an album in 2008. They toured as well, but I'm not sure if they broke up again or are appearing together in 2009. The fact that you had no idea they reunited probably speaks to the success of their latest album (at least in the U.S.).

How about hitting NY on Tuesday and meeting Kate and I at the FDR museum in Hyde Park? We're going on a field trip, it's in NY, a Northeastern state, and has the added benefit of fitting in family, travel requirements, and Presidential Libraries...all in one....seems to be the mother lode!! Otherwise, in NY Monday, Andrew and Jimmy will be on a Math field trip in Cooperstown at the Hall of Fame. Yes, I am totally serious:-) a Math field trip...let me know!

D'oh - "Zoo Station." I should have guessed that! Enjoy your drive!

Pachelbel is not a one-hit wonder, but his Canon in D just happens to be the most well-known and his most annoying. He also wrote 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' and other chamber music. Why do I say that the Canon is the most annoying? I'm a cellist, and, well, Rob Paravonian explains it best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxkVQy7QLM

Jeff, Jake Beagle and I are in Myrtle Beach for the week, and found some great places to go! Maybe you can bookmark them if you decide to swing this far to the coast next time.

Ahh! I love this blog! On top of great beagle adventures it provides an encounter with a fellow cellist who also loathes the 8 notes of the PC! It literally drove me to start playing violin in high school because I couldn't take it anymore. Joan and Jim, you need to vacation like this every year.

Great arch pictures. It is such a neat place to visit. It's so big in person! I'm glad the weather broke for your time there.

If you are coming through CT on I95 there is a great park/beach 2 minutes off the highway at Ex. 9 in Stamford where you can walk the dogs. They have to be on a leash but there is a one mile long walking path and it might be a nice break for the dogs. Plus, if it is any time other than between 9 - 5 on a week day, I could meet you there with Gus! Now that would be a bonus beagle photo if Gus was in it!

Let me know if you need any recommendations, though I know Joan knows the area.

Is it just me or did you miss Wisconsin?

Doh! Wisconsin!

I like the Berlin Beagle photo - Hank certainly has the appropriate East German sneer on his face in it.

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