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May 17, 2009


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I can't believe you spent all that time in Springfield and didn't visit Homer and Marge. They live right down the street! At least tell me you got to the Quick-E-Mart for a slushee.

Did you verify that Lincoln's body was in its tomb?

If I'm not mistaken, I believe this was the first day of the entire trip the nutrition rating took a double zilch, says he who just washed down his blood pressure medicine with a doughnut and Diet Mountain Dew.

The wax figure of John WIlkes Booth is quite realistic! Hope you get to sleep at least a week away when you get home! Safe journey - Pam, Jack & Boys & Dogs

Don't worry too much about Lincoln's nose. What's been rubbed away is the chemical patina. What's showing through is the actual bronze. At least that's what I've determined by reading this site:

It's very similar to the "pull-my-finger" rubbing on the FDR statue in his memorial on the Mall.

Man, I wish I'd known you were staying in that hotel. I stayed there once on an opera weekend (I had tickets to the Lyric) and was not impressed. Next time you go through Chicago, let us know...we know of a couple of better places for less money and we'll check to see if the beagley boys can stay there, too. We're headed to Chicago sometime this summer (I hope).

I'm having a "zero" birthday next February and am thinking we might stay there for a week. So much to do there. Then again, as it will be FEBRUARY in the GREAT LAKES, I might rather go south for that week.

As much as I love the blog, it is clear that you all need to get home for the comfort that only the routine of being in one's own home (and own bed) can provide. Many, many thanks to you for two months of entertainment, education and humor. Now get some sleep.

So when will the wax figures of Hank and Fred be put on display in Great Falls?

If you're back that way again some time, the John Deere State Historic Site is actually pretty interesting. They have a collection of historic farm buildings and people in period costumes demonstrating jobs done on early farms and in farming communities. A blacksmith, etc.
And of course they have a collection of antique farm implements and tractors and they explain John Deere's invention of the steel plow and how it enabled farmers to break up the soil of the Great Plains much more efficiently than the wooden plows had. As I recall the soil in the Midwest is more difficult to plow because it clings to the plow. The steel plow cut through it much better than the wooden ones that had been used.

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