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May 27, 2009


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You might be interested to know that Jumanji was, in part, filmed in Keene, N.H. Or, you might not.

Glad you liked the sights of Keene's Town Square. Had you not been in a rush I know you would have loved spending an hour or so there before heading out.

The NYS roadside historical markers were erected between 1926 and 1939, so a change request is, you know, not really going anywhere at this point. http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/services/largemarkers/index.html

"Joan's side of the booth had once been occupied by the Barenaked Ladies (or at least two of them), and my side by Hillary Clinton. We agreed that these visits probably did not occur simultaneously." Now had it been BILL Clinton...

Reading about Taft and his connection to baseball reminds me of a road trip blog that friends post every summer for their annual two-week minor-league baseball/National Park road trips. No beagles, but not everything can be perfect. Between trips, good baseball quote posts.

So.....I can't wait to hear...how was the "LBJ" library?

Okay, so maybe Lewis and Clark didn't avail themselves of the internet, but they DID record their journey in the incredible journals they kept, which even now are a kick-ass read. As you may know.

And again, it ain't a fancy blog, but someone did put those journals online in their entirety:


My daughter graduated from RPI in Troy and my favorite story of the city is a local legend about the founding of Russell Sage College there. Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage was a leader of the suffrage movement while her husband, a Congressman from New York at one point, apparently despised her activities and did not believe in education for women. When he died, he left his fortune to her which she used to start a women's college... and out of spite, named it after him.

That school board candidate with the homemade sign probably got elected because of his fiscal responsibility. He may not have had a big campaign fund. Being on a school board is a thankless job,usually with no pay, but one learns a lot. Kudos to him.

No doubt on your trip south, you'll head towards Freehold, NJ -- where Bruce grew up. But if you want to see another Washington's Headquarters, head a bit west to Morristown, NJ. (http://www.morristown-nj.org/todo2.html?id=987608919). You can visit the town square to see the statue of Lafayette who visited with a promise of French aid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morristown,_New_Jersey).

You can also visit Jockey Hollow and learn how Tempe Wick hit her horse so the Revolutionary era soldiers wouldn't take it. Oh wait, I spent 10 years of my youth worrying about that horse and why Tempe would hit it and then I finally read the story and realized she HID her horse from capture. That's a long time to worry about a horse. Anyway, get the real story and see what life was like back in the colonial days of NJ (pre-Bruce)

So much for a functioning preview, I posted the above (accidentally) when I was supposed to be editing it. Forgive the typos.

Ever-Ready Diner ROCKS. Been there at least twice. Feels like home. You know, if my parents were Greek and I grew up in a house with a bunch of chrome and fluorescent lighting and complete strangers walking in at all hours and demanding to be fed and whatnot.

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