A few new additions to the blog:
Atop the blog, you'll see a navigation strip where I've been adding items to for a few days. Among the quick links up there are:
- Home: This gets you back to the home page at any time.
- Archives: This lists all the posts for this blog.
- Subscribe: If you'd prefer to be notified via RSS when new posts go up, this is the place to sign up.
- Facebook Group: This is where you can join our FHMA Facebook group. More than 600 people have already signed up.
- Twitter Feed: I'll be Twittering here and there, though not sure how much yet. This is my Twitter feed.
- The Trip So Far: This is a Google Map that shows our trip route.
- See Where We Are: You will need to sign up for Google Latitude to use this feature, but if you want, you can friend me via Latitude, and you can see where we are in real time via the GPS on my Blackberry. So, truthfully, it won't tell you where we are, but where my Blackberry is.
- Make a Recommendation: Instead of sending out an individual note every time we're seeking recommendations, I set up a generic blog post, so if you have any recommendations, this is the place to put them.
Thanks. Day 1 update coming shortly.
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